HB 398 would repeal the requirement to obtain a pistol purchase permit from the sheriff prior to the purchase or transfer of a pistol.
Article 52A of Chapter 14 of the General Statutes requires an individual to obtain a purchase permit from the sheriff of the county in which the individual resides prior to purchase or receipt of a pistol, unless the individual has a concealed carry permit. Failure to obtain the permit prior to purchase or receipt of a pistol is a Class 2 misdemeanor at this time.
This legislation will remove the permit requirement leaving the standard NCIS background check in place as it currently stands. Those who do not hold a concealed carry permit are already subject to the NCIS check every time they purchase a long rifle, pistol, or shotgun.
HB 398 would become effective when it becomes law and would apply to pistols sold, given away, transferred, purchased, or received on or after that date.