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  • Writer's pictureDavid Cobb

Rasmussen Survey Finds 75% Support Voter I.D.

Rasmussen Reports has recently published a survey in which they surveyed 1,000 U.S. likely voters. This survey was conducted on March 14-15, 2021. The survey found that 75% of their respondents supported requiring I.D. to vote.

89% of Republicans support voter ID requirements, as do 60% of Democrats and 77% of unaffiliated voters. Rasmussen reported that support for voter ID laws has nationally increased since 2018, when 67% of voters responded that photo identification such as a driver’s license should be required to vote.

Voter I.D. Law in North Carolina:

By majorities of three-fifths in both chambers, the legislature can vote to place amendments on the ballot. The Governor cannot veto constitutional amendments. Only North Carolinians themselves can amend their constitution — which they did in 2018 by approving a voter ID provision to the constitution.

After the constitutional amendment was approved,  the General Assembly then passed a bill to implement Voter ID in North Carolina elections. Almost immediately, a U.S. District Judge, a President Obama appointee, blocked North Carolina from using the new Voter ID law.  In a clearly partisan decision, this judge refused to allow state lawmakers to defend their own legislation in court.

The only parties allowed by the judge to defend voter ID in North Carolina were Democratic Governor Cooper’s state board of elections, and Democratic Attorney General, John Stein.  Both Cooper and Stein are opponents of Voter ID in North Carolina. The conflict of interest in this situation is clear, how could a group defend a policy which they actively and fundamentally oppose?

Voter I.D. is currently still hamstrung by litigation. Until the legal battles are decided voters will not be required to show I.D. to vote.

Thirty-four states already have a voter ID law, North Carolina’s is one of the most lenient in the nation.  Current legislation would ensure that individuals aren’t turned away who don’t have a qualifying ID by allowing anyone to vote if they sign an affidavit citing a reasonable impediment to obtaining an ID.

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