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  • Writer's pictureDavid Cobb

Two Year State of Emergency, Two Years of Unchecked Power

Governor Roy Cooper has yet to announce when he plans to rescind his 116th executive order, which established an ongoing state of emergency in North Carolina. The State Of Emergency that was first issued on March 10th, 2020 had no expiration date, and today, nearly two years later, currently remains in effect. Executive Order 116 has, for two years, given him expanded executive powers that he has employed at every opportunity to promote his agenda.

The repercussions of this overreach have been felt acutely by hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians. Jobs, businesses, and retirement savings have been lost. The children of our state have been subjected to the whims of fearful bureaucrats in their classrooms. It is sad, yet ironic, that all of the damage inflicted has been done in the name of safety and public good. Many of the decisions related to combating COVID-19 were rashly made and stubbornly reinforced. The repercussions of these decisions will be Governor Cooper’s legacy.

Numerous times over the past two years, the legislature has moved to reign in the emergency powers Governor Cooper has used so liberally. Cooper and democrats in the legislature have ensured that Cooper retains his emergency powers for as long as possible. Unfortunately for N.C., Governor Cooper’s extended emergency powers do not have an expiration date, and will only end when he relinquishes them.

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