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  • Writer's pictureDavid Cobb


House Approves Bill to Prevent Governor from Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine

Raleigh, NC – Today, the North Carolina House of Representatives approved House Bill 572, “No Vaccine Mandate by EO, Rule, or Agency,” which was introduced by House Freedom Caucus Chairman Keith Kidwell (R-Beaufort).

The legislation was approved by a bipartisan vote of 75-38. It now goes to the North Carolina Senate for further consideration.

Last month, sixty-five North Carolina House Republicans also sent Governor Roy Cooper a letter opposing the creation of a “vaccine passport” or any other form of government-required identifications to show proof of COVID-19 vaccinations.

“These ‘vaccine passports’ raise serious privacy and legal concerns,” the letter states. “North Carolinians should not be required to carry some sort of proof of vaccination to go about their daily lives.”

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